In the past, marketing was much simpler. However, with the internet generating abundant technologies for delivering your company’s message, things are much more complicated in today’s marketing world. Digital HI™ Technology, a continuously growing webmarketing console created by Higher Images Inc., one of Pittsburgh’s 2011, 100 fastest-growing companies, provides businesses and agencies with a proven system that allows them to not only track what marketing and advertising dollars are making an impact.
Digital HI™ Technology was developed by marketers, for marketers; an effective digital marketing expert is proficient in web design, web tracking, search engine optimization, Pay-Per-Click Marketing, local search and more. After six years of hardcore development, Digital HI™ Technology has become a tracking system that encompasses digital marketing efforts in an online accountability warehouse.
We are a progressive and dynamic Pittsburgh-based company, which provides you with a competitive edge online. Our team shares an impressive array of experience in both online and offline marketing, as well as detailed tracking of results. We provide the digital road map for driving online success in this new age of marketing. Digital HI™ Technology is one of the first of its kind in the marketplace; with its user-friendly interface, Digital HI™ Technology provides clients and partners with a proven tracking mechanism, which details where their “digital dollars” are working. This allows agencies and marketers alike to make more informed decisions on how to get their clients and ultimately you more leads and increased conversions.